Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml

Price: £26.85

  • Brand: Maria Nila
  • Availability: Sold out: Re-stock in 4-8+ weeks
Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml

Get ready to transform your hair color with Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml! This innovative product is designed to enhance and refresh your copper-toned locks, leaving them looking vibrant and radiant. With its unique properties, this color treatment not only adds depth and intensity to your hair but also nourishes and strengthens it from within. Say goodbye to dull, lifeless hair and hello to a bold, beautiful new look that will turn heads wherever you go!

Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml is a revolutionary hair care product that has become increasingly popular over the years. It was released in 2015, and since then, it has been a game-changer for people looking to refresh their hair color without committing to permanent dye.

Benefits and Advantages

The unique formula of Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml provides several benefits and advantages compared to other similar products. Firstly, it contains copper-red color pigments that immediately refresh your hair color while nourishing and moisturizing your strands. Secondly, the wrap is enriched with argan oil, which is known for its nourishing properties, providing extra hydration to your locks leaving them silky smooth.

Thirdly, Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml features the Color Guard Complex that protects your hair from UV rays and free radicals while extending the life of the temporary color pigments up to 10 washes. This complex ensures that your hair remains vibrant and shiny throughout any day or night activity you engage in. Lastly, this product is suitable for medium brown to dark hair that needs an extra boost.

Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml has become so popular because it allows people to experiment with different shades of copper without damaging their hair with harsh chemicals or treatments. It's easy to use and doesn't require professional help or multiple trips to the salon. This product gives you the freedom to change up your look whenever you want!


Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml is perfect for anyone who wants a temporary change in their hair color without damaging their strands permanently. It's especially great for those who have medium brown to dark hair as it provides a more noticeable change in shade. This product can also be used by people of all ages who want to keep their strands healthy while experimenting with new looks.


  1. Wash your hair thoroughly before applying Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml.
  2. Towel dry your locks until they are damp but not dripping wet.
  3. Apply evenly throughout your entire head using gloves or an applicator brush included in the packaging.
  4. Leave on for 3-10 minutes depending on how intense you want your copper shade to be.
  5. Rinse off with lukewarm water until the water runs clear, then finish off with conditioner if desired.


Maria Nila Colour Refresh Bright Copper 300ml can be used in various scenarios besides refreshing faded color; you can mix different shades together for customization according to preference, create ombre effects by only concentrating application at tips or colored areas, add highlights by using foils when wrapping sections of colored strands

About The Brand

Maria Nila is founded on Swedish ideals of beauty: natural ingredients, sustainable practices and cruelty-free production processes. With roots dating back over three decades ago as one of Europe's leading salons dedicated solely towards protecting our environment through ethical choices in sourcing materials such as vegan plant-based ingredients instead animal derivatives like keratin found traditional shampoos conditioners which often come from cows' hooves skin cells extracted after slaughterhouses discard them post-processing animal meat products - this commitment remains unchanged today! Maria Nila continues making waves globally as an international high-quality brand empowering consumers worldwide who seek exceptional results ensure minimal environmental impact during production whilst maintaining strict ethical standards throughout every aspect company operations!

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